
Iqra College has 3 major scholarships. 2 for current students and 1 for new and returning students.


Current students*

Iqra students can access these scholarships via the following ways:

1) Principal’s Scholarship Award

Student who attained the highest total score in the schooling year will get a scholarship for the following school year. This award is given to student from year 3 to year 11. 

2) Shaheem Doutie Scholarship Award

Student (between year 3-11) who attained the highest score in Mathematics for the schooling year will receive a scholarship for the following school year.

Recipients of the Principal’s and Shaheem Doutie Scholarship Award will be notified by end of week 4 in December of the schooling year.

New and Returning Students*

3) IQRA College Scholarship Award

Applications for our 2026 Iqra College Scholarship is now open.

Iqra College Scholarship is offered to students who really want to study in IQRA College. Our scholarships are open for students from Year 3 – 11. The 3 scholarship categories are Academic, Quran and Sports.

Click here to apply


*International students are ineligible for scholarships